Saturday, 10 September 2011

So here is something I wrote. It's not great but I liked it

Life and life in all its fullest
Not assuming and inconsequential
Without intention we're doomed to our dullest
But we need God - that much is essential.

A baptism of fire, in at the deep end
But greatness is our destiny. it's God on which we depend.
He is not a fad, craze or trend
He is, was, forever shall be, beyond our own end.

He heals, restores, redeems and requires
Our heart, our soul, our mind, our all
His grace, mercy and love is what inspires
Advancing his kingdom is our call.

And here's something that I didn't write but like lots;
Oh there's a face!
Where did you get that hair from?
Got it from a old tom cat.
Give it back then, love.
Oh there's a perm!

Where gets that nose from, Lily?
Got it from my father, silly.
You've got it on upside down!
Oh there's a conk!

Look at your complexion!
Oh no, you look.
Needs a bit of make-up.
Needs a veil.
Oh there's glamour!

Where did you get that smile, Lil?
Never you mind, girl.
Nobody loves you.
That's what you think.

Who is it loves you?
Shan't tell.
Come on, Lily.
Cross your heart then?
Cross my heart.

That's from Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas

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